I created some great spreads around the wheel of the year for Witches to incorporate Tarot in their practices. I decided to make a spread and small spell for each of the 8 holidays of the Witches’ Year. Since it is closes to Yule I thought we could go pull cards using that spread.
Step 1. Prep Your Tarot deck by separating it into the Majors and Minors.
Step 2. Mix up the Minors Arcana pile and then pull four cards, laying them out face down at clockwise at 12 o’clock, 3 o’clock, 6 o’clock, and 9 o’clock.
Step 3. Shuffle the Major Arcana cards and pull 1 and put it in the center of the 4 Minor Arcana cards you previously pulled.
Step 4. Turn over each Minor Arcana card one at a time, and write down each one, noting they represent the 4 quarters of the year( 1st card at 3 o’clock being the first quart of the year, January through March, 2nd card at 6 o’clock being the second quarter of the year, April throught June, 3rd card at 9o’clock being the 3rd quarter of the year, July through September, and the 4th card at 12 o’clock being the 4th quarter of the year October through December). Note which cards come up for you as well as what suites might be missing for you in the coming year.
Step 5. Next turn over the middle card, the Major Arcana card. This is the overall theme of your year and the energy you can work with to empower you through out the whole year. You can compare it to your yearly birth card and see how these two can work together or how they oppose each other.
Doing this at the end of each year is a good way you can prepare for the coming year and embrace more Tarot magic for yourself. Enjoy!