It is that time of year again where I head to the East Coast to participate in Reader’s Studio put on by The Tarot School. I had a blast last year and was excited to go again this year. I was so happy to see some names I have known for a bit up on the Reader’s Studio stage this year, Kooch and Victor Daniels as well as Ferol Humphrey and then a new to me voice Mitchell Osborn. I am looking forward to all I will learn this year as well as seeing folks again.
So I decided to pull a card a day to lead up to arriving at RS17! This year I am using the EveryDay Witch Tarot by Deborah Blake and artist Elisabeth Alba.
Day 1: 4 of Wands- Celebrate the gathering together of my tribe. Rejoice in our love of all things Tarot and celebrate what we will learn and the camaraderie we will gain this year. Sweet! I can’t wait!