Joan Bunning
While shopping at my local book store I came across this title: Leaning Tarot Spreads by Joan Bunning. Hmmm I had read Learning the Tarot oh so long ago and now I come across this as I was looking for ways to expand my card reading skills. The Spirit must have been listening really well. I turn it over and it is a Red Wheel/Weiser Publishing product. More incentive to get it… “Let’s look inside.” I thought.
I opened it up and found that Joan has set the book up as a series of lessons with each lesion building on the last. She also provided tables for how card meanings can be used to blend together to gain deeper insight to the reader. The opening chapters had exercises to help one expand the idea of how a reader could look at a spread and the cards differently than they had in the past. She also spoke about letting go of old ideas and thinking of the cards in a fresh new way. She provided ideas for different layouts that begin with just 1 card readings to 7 card readings and then to changing how you look at the Celtic Cross spread. She provided ways of adding the idea of the cards as qualities in a reading and how to look at that in relation to their position in a layout, not just the meaning of the card itself.
It is definitely a learning process and I suggest getting together with a group of friends and using this book as a group study session guide. I would suggest finding others by looking at your local meet ups like SF Tarot Cafe.